iPS-SS (Shake Share) Free Release:
iPS-SS is built for customer free experience based on iPS-Lite to focus on quickly share my current location with my families, friends or business partners. The similar tone in Chinese is XieXie(Thanks) to make your friendship enjoy fully.
iPS-SS can easily share your current location info with your defined partners including the location title, address, coordinate, altitude, my move speed & course, share-time & sharer info etc. Your partner can real-time views your location on map and immediately get your positioning info as distance & direction, estimated time for walking or driving/flight to manage your moving conditions definitely.
位讯iPS-SS(Shake Share)共享摇一摇软件是基于位讯iPS-Lite(单机定位版)共享功能模块中的摇一摇即时共享我的当前位置而设置的完全永久免费的用户体验App应用,英文名称iPS Shake Share谐音中文“iPS谢谢!”。